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Welcome to the PFA section of our website.

PFA (St Nicholas Church in Wales Primary School Parents and Friends Association)


At St Nicholas we have a small but dedicated group of people running the PFA to raise money and we organise many fun events for all the children to enjoy.


The funds we raise go towards extras for the children of St Nicholas.  As an example these extras include money towards class trips, Christmas pantomime for the whole school, an outdoor table tennis table, year 6 leavers' prom and t-shirts for year 5/6 residential trip.


This year our main aim is to fund much needed outdoor foundation phase equipment. We will also continue to fund towards class trips, the panto and many other things.


We have many planned events this year which includes:


  • Sponsored Bounce and Non-uniform Day - Friday 18th March
  • Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Egg Race - Thursday 24th March


The committee is made up of


  • Chair                                                   Mrs N Friston-Kemble
  • Vice Chair                                           Mrs P Mason
  • Trainee vice chair                              Mr A Pugh
  • Treasurer                                            Miss K Clouston
  • Secretary                                            Mrs E Thomas
  • Teacher reps                                      Mr J Downey, Mr R Jones, Mrs C Fouracre& Mrs E Harris.


10 reasons to join the PFA


  1. Money raised in PFA events is used to pay for those little extras that makes your child / children’s school days that little bit more special.
  2. Knowing that you are helping raise extra income each year will allow your school to plan ahead and provide these treats/extras.
  3. Helping at events allows you to get to know your child/ children teacher and other parents within the school.
  4. By joining the PFA you are helping to promote and enhance your school’s standing within the local community.
  5. Although occasionally embarrassed most children actually love that their parents are showing an interest in their school.
  6. Talking with other parents sharing experiences and parenting tips.
  7. The commitment is not too much. All that we ask is that you would be able to help run a stall or sell raffle tickets, maybe help set up or tidy away.
  8. Everyone has different talents and can bring new ideas to the table to help raise funds.
  9. It really is great fun watching all the children having a great time and knowing you played a part in making the event a success.
  10. When you look around the school and see all the fun things the children have and experienced because of your hard work makes it all worthwhile.



So isn’t it time you got involved?

To find out more please contact the PFA members

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