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Expanding St Nicholas Church in Wales Primary School


Consultation on the proposal to expand St Nicholas Church in Wales Primary School from 126 places to 210 places to meet future demand for Church in Wales Education, and change the lowest age range of pupils at the school from 4 to 3, to consist of the addition of a nursery class containing 48 part time places from September 2021


Introduction to the proposal

The proposal is to change the lowest age range of St Nicholas CIW Primary School from 4 to 3 to include 48 part time nursery places and expand the school from 126 places to 210 places from September 2021.


A new 210 place school for St Nicholas CIW Primary School has been included as part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s 21st Century Schools programme. It is proposed that the new school would be built on the existing site, with all staff and pupils transferring to the new building by September 2021.


Reasons for the proposal

There is a need to meet future demand from the new housing developments in the Vale, as well as improve the educational facilities at St Nicholas CIW Primary School.

  • A number of large scale housing developments are planned for the Vale of Glamorgan area requiring additional school places. Increasing the number of school places at St Nicholas CIW Primary School from 126 to 210 offers a more efficient and sustainable model than opening an additional 210 place Church in Wales school.
  • The school is split over two sites with reception pupils having to walk to the nearby church hall following morning assembly. There is no path along this stretch of road making it unsafe for young pupils.
  • The classrooms are of an uneven size making it difficult to meet the needs of the curriculum for the current number of pupils attending the school or to meet increasing demand from new developments.
  • It would not be possible to refurbish teaching areas to fully meet 21st century standards.
  • By replacing the school with a new build at its current site, pupils would be educated in a high quality modern building supporting the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum.



The consultation period ran from 18th March 2019 to 3rd May 2019.


Consultation Report

The Governing Body of St Nicholas CIW Primary is grateful to everyone who took the time to consider the proposal and to those who let us know their views. All comments were considered by the Governing Body on 23 May 2019.

The consultation report, letter and revised community impact assessment are available to download. Hard copies of the report are available on request by contacting the school below:

Statutory Notice


The governing body of St Nicholas CIW Primary School have agreed to publish a statutory notice to expand St Nicholas CIW Primary School from 126 places to 210 places and to change the age range from 4-11 to 3-11 from September 2021.


Any person may object to the proposal before the end of 28 days beginning with the day on which the proposals were published, that is to say by Wednesday 24 July 2019.


All objections must be submitted in writing to:


St Nicholas Church in Wales Primary School

St Nicholas

Vale of Glamorgan



Objection Report

On 12 August 2019 the governing body of St Nicholas CIW Primary School agreed to publish the objection report regarding the expansion of St Nicholas CIW Primary School from 126 places to 210 places and to change the age range from 4-11 to 3-11 from September 2021. In accordance with the School Organisation Code, all documentation has now been issued to the Local Authority for final determination.

Final Determination 

On 23 September, the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s Cabinet approved the proposal to expand St Nicholas CIW Primary School from 126 places to 210 places and change the age range from 4-11 to 3-11 from September 2021.

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